After thinking of possible locations for the blind institute I came up with three proposals, each with different qualities. The first one was already mentioned last in location proposal #1, namely the Binckhorst in The Hague. A interesting area, full of life and interesting sensory diversity. The master plan of the area shows that the area is transforming into dwelling, offices, companies and park. A contradiction to this location will be my second suggestion: around the koopgoot in Rotterdam. This area is surrounded by retail and leisure shops. It is a always busy and lively place, addressed to commerce. Different is the live around the koopgoot at night. The city of Rotterdam has a center where not many people live. How does this affect the blind? At day busy, lively, hasted, everything is addressed to this commercial way of life. At night empty.
Contradicting both The Hague and Rotterdam is my third proposal: Ter Borg in Schinnen. Ter borg is an old farm and castle located in Limburg at the border of a forest, surrounded by farming land. Close to the location is the train station of Spaubeek and the A76 highway from Eindhoven to Aken. How different is this area then the first two. The people, the work, the commerce, the hasting, the lively surrounding are not to be found here. Here nature takes that place. The forest, the air, the animals create a different kind of lively surrounding.
To select the best location for my institute, I will analyze the three location not only on traditional ways (think of mapping activities, routings, connections etc.). No I'm interested in the blind, so I will analyze the locations on a way a blind person will learn a area. Sound mapping, touching the surrounding and smelling the environment. But also creative writing, exploring an area through different perspectives. All these methods and more will give me an image, or maybe image is not the right word, give me an understanding of the location like the blind have and so choosing the best location.

good choice of three different locations..maybe just one thing that came to my mind..what would be great in analyzing these different locations would be to find a book, preferable a single one, maybe more..where these three types of location are being experience on a phenomenological Marcel Proust who experiences the city of Paris as well as the rural setting of a small village..I don't know about any industrial area though...